Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Best Part of Getting My Masters Is.........

The best thing about getting my Master's in IT is............my cohorts! When I am crabby and I need to vent about the droll reading, or have a question about the homework, I email, tweet, call, chat, skype or text my fellow cohorts! Talk about using technology! Tonight we used adobe connect with John Solis, and that is sweet, as we did not use the camera, just the audio and everyone came through loud and clear... Earlier in the night, we used Skype to "conference call" 2 of my cohorts. It worked awesome also! Some days are better than others in this program....All I know is, I would NOT want to be taking this without my fellow cohorts. It is tougher than I thought, this distance learning, you don't exactly know what the prof's expect of you, as there is no way to tell inflection in their voices, or read their body language, so you ask your fellow cohorts! They'll tell you!!

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